It's one of the biggest football battles of
the year. No, not Manchester United against Barcelona, but PES Vs FIFA. Every
year, the two giants of video game football go head to head, attempting
to win over fans of sports games.
It used to be easy to separate them. Back in the days when EA's FIFA was more of an arcade experience - with the ball curling each time a player took a shot - Konami's Pro Evolution Soccer (or ISS, as it used to be known) was the football connoisseur's choice. It may not have had all the players and the teams like FIFA, but if you wanted to play a proper game of football on your PlayStation, there was only one choice.
Then EA started to make FIFA more realistic and it became harder to choose between the two. In recent years, FIFA has been on top, but the word is that Konami is ready to compete with EA again with its first football game on the new generation of consoles.
We've already suggested that PES is going to beat FIFA this year, but what do the fans think? In the week that PES 2015 is released, Asim Tanvir and Adam Neaves, top FIFA and PES bloggers from FIFA Socccer Blog and Winning Eleven Blog, make the case for their favourite football game of 2014.
Why PES 2015 beats FIFA 15 by Asim Tanvir
It used to be easy to separate them. Back in the days when EA's FIFA was more of an arcade experience - with the ball curling each time a player took a shot - Konami's Pro Evolution Soccer (or ISS, as it used to be known) was the football connoisseur's choice. It may not have had all the players and the teams like FIFA, but if you wanted to play a proper game of football on your PlayStation, there was only one choice.
Then EA started to make FIFA more realistic and it became harder to choose between the two. In recent years, FIFA has been on top, but the word is that Konami is ready to compete with EA again with its first football game on the new generation of consoles.
We've already suggested that PES is going to beat FIFA this year, but what do the fans think? In the week that PES 2015 is released, Asim Tanvir and Adam Neaves, top FIFA and PES bloggers from FIFA Socccer Blog and Winning Eleven Blog, make the case for their favourite football game of 2014.
Why PES 2015 beats FIFA 15 by Asim Tanvir
التمريض بالمنزلي الأنسان في العمر يحتاج للعلاج والرعاية الصحية الزي يحتاجها الحالات المرضية بمختلف الأنواع الاعمار العمر، وتكون الخدمات التمريض بشكل عام جزءاً أساسياً من نظام المعالجة الصحية الزي يحتاجها المريض ، وتقدم الخدمات الطبية عادة للمرضى في المستشفيات والمراكز الصحية والعيادات وايضا الرعايو الصحية بالمنزل، ولكن المريض يحتاج إلى كثير من هذه الخدمات، والتي تبقى مطلوبة بعد مغادرته للمستشفى وهذا الامر يتطلب مناقشة أهمية التمريض المنزلي ومدى ضرورة الخدمات التي يقدمها للمرضى وكبار السن في منازلهم مع الرعاية الصحية للمريض .
BalasHapusتمريض منزلي
ومقدمو خدمات التمريض المنزلي أن خدمة التمريض المنزلي تؤدي إلى توفر الجهد والمشاق على الحالة المرضية، وتوفير وقت ونفقات الانتقال، إضافة إلى توفير الأتعاب التي ستدفع للمراكز الصحية، وتوفير العبء المالي وتخفيف الضغط عن المنشآت الطبية المختلفة إن خدمة التمريض بالمنزلي غاية يجب أن تدرك، ولا بد من توفيرها للمرضى الذين تصعب عليهم حياتهم الاعتيادية دون وجود رعاية صحية منزلية، .
التمريض المنزلي
جليسة مسنين
مكتب تمريض