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Selasa, 17 Februari 2015


It's one of the biggest football battles of the year. No, not Manchester United against Barcelona, but PES Vs FIFA. Every year, the two giants of video game football go head to head, attempting to win over fans of sports games.
It used to be easy to separate them. Back in the days when EA's FIFA was more of an arcade experience - with the ball curling each time a player took a shot - Konami's Pro Evolution Soccer (or ISS, as it used to be known) was the football connoisseur's choice. It may not have had all the players and the teams like FIFA, but if you wanted to play a proper game of football on your PlayStation, there was only one choice.
Then EA started to make FIFA more realistic and it became harder to choose between the two. In recent years, FIFA has been on top, but the word is that Konami is ready to compete with EA again with its first football game on the new generation of consoles.
We've already suggested that PES is going to beat FIFA this year, but what do the fans think? In the week that PES 2015 is released, Asim Tanvir and Adam Neaves, top FIFA and PES bloggers from FIFA Socccer Blog and Winning Eleven Blog, make the case for their favourite football game of 2014.

Why PES 2015 beats FIFA 15 by Asim Tanvir

© Konami

With PES 2015, Konami claims the pitch is theirs… And they’re spot on. Where it matters, their latest offering is a clear step ahead of FIFA 15. It’s not all about pace, over the top through balls and a non-existent midfield. That’s not football. PES 2015 delivers an authentic experience of the beautiful game where tactics and playing to your team’s strengths actually means something.Playing as Real Madrid? It’s all about nice, solid football and then counter attacking when it matters, blowing your opponent away with the likes of Ronaldo and Bale. Fancy a challenge with Stoke? That’s exactly what you’ll get. Sticking to one strategy, keeping it simple and getting balls in the box to Crouch is your best option. FIFA 15 doesn’t even come close to providing that kind of depth. Each individual player plays like they should, with the numbers behind the digital men actually meaning something. Pirlo glides across the pitch, caressing the ball and treating it like a lover. Man City’s Toure charges around the field, dominating the majority of his opponents with sheer strength. This kind of player individuality is something FIFA 15 can only dream about. Even then it would probably have to wake up and apologise.
Speaking of brilliant, most of the player likenesses in PES 2015 are far superior to FIFA 15. Taking into account that EA scan player faces and Konami model them manually, it’s a stunning achievement. Thanks to power of Hideo Kojima’s FOX Engine, you’ll recognise players instantly without having to look at names. FIFA 15 has some well scanned players, but most look like horrible bulked up cartoon or WWE versions of themselves. Just look up ‘Lambert FIFA 15’ on Google and you’ll see what I mean. Didn’t know he’d been working out that much!
FIFA 15 can have the licences and better presentation, but on the pitch, where it matters, PES 2015 is a much better game. If you know football, love it even, then pick up Konami’s offering of the beautiful game. You won’t be disappointed. PES is back.

Why FIFA 15 beats PES 2015 by Adam Neaves

© EA Sports

It is that debate that always seems to rage on... What is better? FIFA or PES? After much deliberation, I would say that FIFA is the better choice, and I will explain exactly whyKonami have used the slogan #ThePitchisOurs this year, and while PES 2015 provides solid gameplay, is there much more to really offer gamers who are looking for the complete package? Every year, EA and Konami highlight the main improvements and features of their football sims on the back of each game's box, hoping to persuade players to spend £40 - £50 of their hard-earned money on their product. Konami can offer gameplay, but is that enough to truly rival EA's FIFA 15? I would say no. Why? Ultimate Team. The mode which enables players to create their own fantasy teams by purchasing packs of player cards using in-game currency is FIFA's main selling point. This year, a similar concept has been introduced in PES with myClub. It's a risky manoeuvre by Konami, and do people really want to shell out money for a mode that just simply cannot compete with Ultimate Team? I'm guessing that most wouldn't.
Ultimate Team is online focused and 99 times out of 100 you're always going to have a lag-free experience with your friends online. It has been like this for years now with FIFA. PES? In my experience, playing PES online has been frustrating for a number of years. We'll have to see if it improves this year, but for me, it doesn't have a great track record.
Online play and Ultimate Team are only two of the plus points over PES this year. EA can also boast many licences that PES fans can only dream of. Want the full English Premier League licence, with every player, kit and stadium perfectly represented? Maybe put that on your wish list for PES 2020 and beyond, guys! The fact is that Konami just do not have the financial muscle to compete with EA.
Want a game that offers a full, complete experience? Then it is time to stop deliberating and purchase FIFA 15. #ThePitchisours is a nice little slogan by Konami, but its not going to win over the crowds.

Who is the winner? 
For us, Asim may have won that debate with his passionate argument for PES 2015, but it can't be denied that if you want Ultimate Team, plus all the Premier League players, teams and stadiums (judging by the sales, most people do) FIFA 15 has an advantage.
Are you picking up PES 2015 this week or sticking with FIFA 15? You can let Asim and Adam know whose side you're on on Twitter: @AsimTanvir@AdamNeaves.
Or you can let us know in the comments below.

1 komentar:

  1. التمريض بالمنزلي الأنسان في العمر يحتاج للعلاج والرعاية الصحية الزي يحتاجها الحالات المرضية بمختلف الأنواع الاعمار العمر، وتكون الخدمات التمريض بشكل عام جزءاً أساسياً من نظام المعالجة الصحية الزي يحتاجها المريض ، وتقدم الخدمات الطبية عادة للمرضى في المستشفيات والمراكز الصحية والعيادات وايضا الرعايو الصحية بالمنزل، ولكن المريض يحتاج إلى كثير من هذه الخدمات، والتي تبقى مطلوبة بعد مغادرته للمستشفى وهذا الامر يتطلب مناقشة أهمية التمريض المنزلي ومدى ضرورة الخدمات التي يقدمها للمرضى وكبار السن في منازلهم مع الرعاية الصحية للمريض .
    تمريض منزلي
    ومقدمو خدمات التمريض المنزلي أن خدمة التمريض المنزلي تؤدي إلى توفر الجهد والمشاق على الحالة المرضية، وتوفير وقت ونفقات الانتقال، إضافة إلى توفير الأتعاب التي ستدفع للمراكز الصحية، وتوفير العبء المالي وتخفيف الضغط عن المنشآت الطبية المختلفة إن خدمة التمريض بالمنزلي غاية يجب أن تدرك، ولا بد من توفيرها للمرضى الذين تصعب عليهم حياتهم الاعتيادية دون وجود رعاية صحية منزلية، .
    التمريض المنزلي
    جليسة مسنين
    مكتب تمريض
